Resep Anda

Kakap Merah Bakar Peranakan / Kentang Panggang / Gulai Rajungan / Acar Lobak Merah


Peranakan Grilled Marinate (Yield = 200gr) Bawang merah / Shallot 200 gr Cabe keriting / Red curly chili 125 gr Margarine (Blue Band) 25 gr Gula / Sugar 30 gr Jeruk nipis peras / Lime juice 30 ml Garam / Salt 10 gr Sauce tiram / Oyster sauce 10 ml Air / Water 60 ml Pickle Red Radish (Yield = 340gr include liquid) Cuka Dixi / White vinegar 40 ml Air / Water 80 ml Gula / Sugar 80 gr Garam / Salt 2 gr Lobak Merah / Red radish 100 gr Gulai Base (Yield = 450 gr) Bawang merah / Shallot 100 gr Bawang putih / Garlic 100 gr Kunyit / Turmeric fresh 30 gr Air / Water 80 ml Minyak Goreng / Canola oil 70 ml Jahe / Ginger 20 gr Lengkuas / Galangal 35 gr Cabe keriting / Red curly chili 10 gr Jinten / Cumin seeds 5 gr Ketumbar / Coriander seeds 10 gr Kemiri / Candle nut 20 gr Peranakan Grilled Red Snapper (Yield = 1 portion) Kakap merah fillet / Red snapper fillet (skin off) 100 gr Peranakan Grilled Marinate 50 gr Garam / Salt to taste Minyak Goreng / Canola oil 10 ml Potato Scale (Yield = 1 portion) Kentang kecil / Baby potato (thinly slice = 2mm thickness) 30 gr Kertas roti / Baking paper 1 pcs Peranakan Grilled Marinate 40 gr Minyak Goreng / Canola oil 10 ml Garam / Salt to taste Sand Crab Gulai (Yield = 260 gr) Rajungan / Sand crab 260 gr Gulai base 450 gr Santan cair / Coconut milk 200 ml Santan kental / Coconut cream 100 ml Sereh / Lemongrass 20 gr Daun jeruk / Lime leaves (medium size) 5 pcs Daun salam / Salam leaves (large size) 3 pcs Air / Water 100 ml Cabe rawit merah / Bird eye chili 25 gr Gula / Sugar 10 gr Garam / Salt 8 gr Kapulaga / Green cardamon 3 pcs Kayu manis / Cinnamon stick 3 gr Garnish (Yield = 1 portion) Bendi / Okra 15 gr Pickle Red Radish 20 gr Pucuk Labu / Pumpkin shoots 10 gr

Alat dan Bahan

  • 1 g grill


  • Course: One Dish Meal
  • Wilayah Masakan: Asia
  • Teknik Masak: Bakar
  • Lama Persiapan: 2 jam
  • Lama Pengolahan: 45 menit
  • TIngkat Kesulitan: Sulit
  • Porsi Makan: 1 orang

Cara Memasak

  1. 1. Peranakan Grilled Marinate : First, roughly cut the bawang merah & cabe keriting into small size, then blend it with spice blender until a smooth paste. Second, heat the pan on low heat and add the margarine until melt and then add the paste. Cook it slowly, on low heat until cooked and keep stir it. Once it half cooked, add the lime juice, sugar, salt, oyster sauce & water until it’s cooked. After it’s cooked, take off from the heat & let it cool down. (The taste should be spicy with slight sweetness) . Last, once the marinate is chilled, place the fish fillet into a bowl, lightly drizzle with oil and season with salt. Then add 50 gr marinate for 1 fillet, and let it marinate for min 12 hrs before grill it. 2. Pickle Red Radish : First, place the vinegar, water, sugar and salt in the pot and quickly dissolve it on the stove, once it’s cooperated & directly chill it in the chiller. Second, add the chilled dissolve vinegar into a container with the red radish. This can be use up to 3 months in the chiller. 3. Gulai Base: Roughly cut all the shallot (skin off), garlic (skin off) , turmeric fresh (skin off), ginger (skin off), galangal (skin off) & cabe keriting into small size. Toast the cumin seeds and coriander seeds on the pan until fragrant. Then blend it with spice blender with the rest of the ingredients (cumin, coriander, water, oil & candle nut) until turn into smooth paste. 4. Sand Crab Gulai: First, sauté the gulai base in pan until it’s cooked on low heat (approximately 15-20mins), add cardamom, lemongrass, lime leaves, daun salam & cinnamon stick. Second, prepare boiling water to blanch the sand crab for 45seconds. Once the gulai base is cooked, add coconut milk (santan cair) into the gulai base until mix. Then add the blanch crab into the gulai, then add crushed bird eye chilli (20gr). Once the crab is ½ cooked add the remaining coconut cream (santan kental) & water. Last, when the crab is cooked let it cool down and start to pick the crab meat. 5. Potato Scale: First, turn oven into 200 degree celcius. Second. Slice the baby potato into 2mm thickness with mandoline slicer. Then prepare a baking paper and lightly spread the paper with oil. Lightly toss the potato with salt & peranakan grilled marinate. Third, arrange the potato slices on the baking paper in slightly overlapping layers. This dish to resemble fish scale. Last, baked the potato approximately 8 mins until cooked. Once it’s cooked keep it on warm place with the baking paper on. 6. Peranakan Grilled Snapper : prepare the grill, I used coconut husk on the testing, but gas griller is fine. Once the, the fire is on, place the fish on to the grill and keep it turning until the fish is cooked.

Cara Penyajian

  1. To Assemble : Place the grilled fish on the side of the plate, Add the cooked potato scale on top of the fish and brush with the gulai then place the gulai crab meat (already picked) on the side of the fish, then garnish with pickle radish that cut into 8 wedges, cooked okra & pumpkin shoots (to cook the okra and pumpkin shoots just blanch it on salted water less than 30 seconds.
Diposting 1 August 2017



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